Summer 2010 -Challenging Summer For Sunriver Businesses

The local Sunriver economy is sometimes a tough one to put your finger on. Some businesses thrive, others come and they go, one thing is consistent though, the inconsistency. Staying abreast of local topics I can across a article in the Sunriver Scene, that I wanted to share. It regards the Summer of 2010, and the business levels that different businesses and business sectors experienced. Some interesting facts in brief…
- The Sunriver Owners Association reported a 7% increase in swimmers over 2009 levels.
- Tom O’Shea, Managing Director of Sunriver Resort reported positive trends for 2010 that would help 2011. He also commented “it all depends how we come out of Winter.”
- Larry Browning, owner of Discover Sunriver Vacation rentals, reported a 2010 that would likely finish within a percentage point or two of 2009.
- Mavericks Fittness reported a 16% rise in usage, and a increase of 6% in revenue during the all important Summer months.
- Visitors to Sunriver picked up 10,000 more Sunriver Maps than last year. The SROA speculates the change from a “?” to the word “map” influenced the large increase.
Some themes I’ve noticed from living and working in the area, are how weather and other similar variables can make or break a quarter or year. In the past, numbers were strong no matter what, now it seems people are trying to make dollars go further, and thus are more choosy with those dollars. However, it also seems that Sunriver loyalty remains high, and there is a special place for Sunriver in visitors hearts that keeps them coming back again and again. Information here, obtained from “Summer 2010 business levels in Sunriver fluctuated among various entities” Sunriver Scene, Oct 2010.